The ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) launched the GLF Community forum consisting of leaders across telecoms infrastructure, platform and applications providers, as well as the technology providers that serve them, that will ensure the on-going development of the international telecoms industry.
The GLF Community exists to facilitate an open dialogue amongst the C-Level executives of the leading global ICT ecosystem players, to advance technical and commercial interoperability as an enabler for future connected businesses, societies and economies. It will maintain its link with the Global Leaders’ Forum and will allow its members access to GLF outputs, as well as enabling them to access a trusted network of industry leaders and participate in industry-wide collaborative initiatives.
The GLF Community will enable the Telecoms ecosystem to work together more effectively by sharing best practices, and by reducing the barriers for a more open dialogue to address some of the obstacles for better interoperability.
Jussi Makela, Director of the GLF said: ”We are excited to launch the GLF Community and facilitate more structured interaction between different parts of the communication ecosystem. Although we ultimately want to create a more connected world by improving technical and commercial interoperability between different ICT infrastructure and service providers, we will also ensure that the GLF Community provides benefits to the individual members by enabling them to participate and contribute in the critical industry dialogue.”
Andrés Proaño, CRO/CFO of BTS and the first member to join the GLF Community said: “When we were presented the opportunity to join the GLF Community, we did not hesitate as we see significant value in participating and playing an active role in the discussions between different parts of the telecoms ecosystem. This is not only beneficial for us as a business to be able to get better insights on the strategic trends and have closer interaction with our peers, but also for our ability to contribute towards the positive change in the communications industry.”
About the ITW Global Leaders’ Forum
The ITW Global Leaders’ Forum (GLF) is a global network of leaders from the world’s largest International Carriers, who convene to discuss strategic issues and to agree collaborative activities, with the aim of upholding the principle of interoperability and ubiquitous international and technological coverage.
The mission of the GLF is to be “the voice of the global carrier industry providing leadership and direction to interconnect the digital world”. This encapsulates the ultimate aim of the GLF, and its members, which is to enable consumers and enterprises to communicate and transact for any service or application, on any device and any infrastructure, in any geography, thus enabling the globalisation of business and the closure of the digital divide.
The International Carrier industry is a critical part of the global ecosystem, providing the backbone that enables digital services to be distributed around the world. The GLF’s primary objective is to provide leadership and direction for the industry by advocating common priorities that will limit network fragmentation and improve interconnectivity so that new digital services can be delivered at scale anywhere in the world.